
Introducing GOeVisit – The Convenient Way to Access Medical Help

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Sometimes, there’s just not enough time in a day. Busy professionals and working parents know this better than anyone. You are constantly trying to manage priorities at work while juggling personal obligations and schedules. That can be challenging on the best days. So, when you injure yourself or a dependent gets sick, stress can really build up. You might need to take time off work or push aside important obligations to go sit in a waiting room, see a doctor, and pick up a prescription. When things are back to normal, the catch up begins.

The good news is— it’s all going to get a little easier thanks to technology. That’s because one of our partnered suppliers is connecting working Canadians to a new telemedicine service called GOeVisit, offered by Canadian telehealth company, MyCare MedTech Inc.

5 ways Canadians take control of their health with GOeVisit

As a plan member, you can use GOeVisit any time you need access to medical care. And below are the many ways that you’ll benefit from this telemedicine service:

1. Treat minor illnesses with ease - You can use your laptop, tablet or phone to request a virtual consultation with medical professional to diagnose and treat over 80 minor illnesses.

2. Access service from anywhere - The service is available to you any time of the day from your home or your office, and even when you are travelling for work or pleasure.

3. Deliver prescriptions to your door – If a prescription is needed, it can either be sent to your local pharmacist for collection, or it can be delivered to you the next day, anywhere in Canada.

4. Lessen work absenteeism - Using GOeVisit for minor health issues helps you minimize the number of days and hours off work, so you have that time when you really need it.

5. Save your hard-earned cash - Under a specific benefits plan, members can register themselves and their dependents to GoeVisit for free. There are also no fees for using the telehealth service.

Take Control of Your Health with GOeVisit

With quick and convenient access to medical professionals, a bad cough or upset tummy won’t slow you down. With GOeVisit, you can save hours of driving and waiting around to see a doctor and get the prescription you need faster. That means you and your loved ones can receive the care you need, and then get back to tackling that big project at work, or just enjoying everyday life.

If you’re interested in enrolling or learning more about this free telehealth service, we’re here to help. Contact our team at BenefitDeck for more information on GOeVisit.

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