BenefitDeck has a full suite of wellness services including an online platform, wellness strategy & design, health risk assessments, on-site health clinics and wellness coaching.
BenefitDeck’s Wellness OneSource, powered by LifeWorks, combines the best health and wellness tools. The online platform provides your employees with confidential, 24/7 access to tools designed to improve their health, recommended strategies to reduce risks, and even convenient online coaching. It is your organization’s:
OneSource for identifying relevant health risks
Identify the specific health risks your employees face, as well as those groups of employees most ready to adopt a healthier lifestyle through an interactive Health Risk Assessment.
OneSource for body metric monitoring
With Wellness OneSource, your employees can monitor improvements to key body metrics such as Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, HDL/LDL cholesterol levels, and more. Employees can enter metrics they obtain themselves or from on-site health clinics.
OneSource for inspiration and employee engagement
Motivate your employees with Health and Wellness Challenges that encourage them to make simple, daily choices that lead to a healthier lifestyle. Support your employees as they work to improve their health by providing access to tools that will increase their chances of success.
OneSource for online wellness coaching
Wellness OneSource helps your employees address their individual health risks through a self-directed online coaching program built on the foundation of the a proven coaching series.
Improve organizational productivity. Attract and retain good talent. Boost employee health and morale. What if you could make a real difference in increasing employee productivity and retention by providing a personal coach to support individuals in adopting healthy behaviours? You can with BenefitDeck LifeWorks Wellness Coaching.
Through telephone access, we assess and triage individuals into highly personalized health coaching programs. With one-on-one coaching support tailored to each individual, BenefitDeck clients achieve and sustain behaviour changes that would not otherwise be possible.
Our LifeWorks Wellness Coaching will complement your existing Employee Assistance Program and complete the picture for your employees. The result: employees that lead healthier and happier lives resulting in greater employee productivity and retention for you the employer.
The solution incorporates three specific program modules; Smoking Cessation (iCanQuit), Weight Management (iCanChange), Stress Management (iCanRelax) plus a fourth program, a general health module for those who have broader wellness goals.
Health care costs have nearly doubled in the past 10 years as a result of more Canadians having to claim work disability. This creates a challenge for many organizations as it has led to increased benefit cost, higher absenteeism rates and lower productivity levels.
What’s the answer for organizations? Prevention. Our Onsite Health Clinics can help and provide preventative care for health risks such as high cholesterol, chronic pain, high blood pressure, and minimize illness through flu immunization. We also help promote healthy living through awareness and education material. Our Onsite Health Clinics provide employees the support and tools to make better health and wellness choices.
Arrange a free consultation with BenefitDeck today for more information.
Whether you are with a business, association, or owner operator, we have the solution for your needs.